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Do I Need to Take DHEA?

There’s been a lot of talk about the hormone dehydroepiandrosterone, or DHEA, and how it affects our sexuality, as well as our mental and physical health. Does DHEA provide effective relief for sexual problems, mental health issues, or physical health issues? Or is buying DHEA a waste of your money?

What Is DHEA?

DHEA is a steroid hormone and the precursor of androgens (testosterone) in women and men. The adrenal glands produce the majority of DHEA present in women and men while the ovaries contribute a minimal amount of this powerful steroid hormone. The body naturally produces DHEA for vital hormonal function. In men, DHEA levels begin to decrease steadily after the age of 30.

Levels of DHEA naturally decrease as we age. By the time you are 80 years old, the amount of DHEA produced by your body is just five to 10 percent of the amount produced at its highest level during youth and early adulthood.

Many claims have been touted for DHEA. You may have heard that it can:

  • increase your energy level
  • help you to lose weight
  • slow down the aging process
  • boost your immune system
  • reduce your risk of cancer and heart disease
  • improve your memory

Recent Findings

According to a small German study published in the New England Journal of Medicine(NEJM), researchers found that DHEA improved sexuality and well-being in 24 women diagnosed with adrenal insufficiency.

The double-blind study found that women who took 50 mg of DHEA daily reported significant increases in how often they thought about sex, how interested they were in sexual activity, and their levels of both mental and physical sexual satisfaction.

These women also reported improvement in mental health issues such as obsessive-compulsive traits, depression, anxiety, and other psychological conditions. The most significant improvements were seen four months after treatment began.

Another small study of 22 male and female patients diagnosed with major depression, published in the American Journal of Psychiatry, found a 50 percent decrease in depression in nearly half of the participants who took DHEA.

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Benefits of DHEA Supplements

DHEA, short for dehydroepiandrosterone, is the most abundant hormone produced by the adrenal glands. DHEA is converted to testosterone in males, and estrogen in females. The production of DHEA peaks in your early 20’s, after which it begins dropping by approximately 10 percent each decade. The decline of DHEA is associated with age-related disease processes such as heart disease and bone loss. DHEA is said to be effective at improving and preventing many age-related health issues, thus it is often utilized as an anti-aging treatment. Men who take DHEA-containing supplements may see significant benefits.

Cardiovascular Health

DHEA reduces the risk of heart disease in men, assists with weight loss, reduces inflammation and increases metabolism. According to a 2003 study published in the “Journal of the Medical Association of Thailand,” lowering inflammation in the body appeared to be one of the main ways in which the risk of heart disease was reduced. DHEA has been reported to lower high density lipoprotein, often referred to as “good cholesterol.”

Bone Health

Osteopenia, or lowered bone density, increases the odds of fracture. If the density continues to lessen and fractures begin to occur, osteoporosis is diagnosed. In osteoporosis patients, bone fractures often occur in critical places such as the hip and spine, and can be debilitating. In a 2003 study in “Calcified Tissue International,” DHEA was reported to improve overall spine density in men. It has also been reported to protect bone mineral density in women.

Sexual Function

Erectile dysfunction can be an ongoing problem that negatively affects quality of life. As you age, testosterone levels decrease, which negatively impacts the libido, causing problems with erections. DHEA is a precursor to testosterone, and studies have shown it to be beneficial in raising testosterone levels, increasing sex drive and helping with erectile dysfunction. According to, in a double-blind study, as presented in a prospective on the treatment of erectile dysfunction using DHEA, participants were given 50 mg of DHEA taken daily for six months. Results indicated that supplementing with DHEA improved erectile dysfunction.

Body Fat Reduction

DHEA may be also help to reduce your body fat and increase your lean body mass. Since DHEA can increase testosterone levels, critical to muscle tissue development, you may notice an improvement in your lean body mass. According to, studies have shown DHEA to lower overall body fat mass. adds that DHEA can help the body burn calories for energy rather than store them as fat by blocking an enzyme named G6PD. This enzyme is not only essential for fat tissue production, but also promotes cancer cell growth. By blocking this enzyme you are able to reduce your body fat.

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Prog Brain Res. 2010;182:97-148. doi: 10.1016/S0079-6123(10)82004-7.

Wiebke Arlt, M.D., Frank Callies, M.D., Jan Christoph van Vlijmen, Ines Koehler, Martin Reincke, M.D., Martin Bidlingmaier, M.D., Doris Huebler, M.D., Michael Oettel, Ph.D., Michael Ernst, M.S., Heinrich Maria Schulte, M.D., and Bruno Allolio, M.D.; “Dehydroepiandrosterone Replacement in Women with Adrenal Insufficiency”; NEJM, Volume 341:1013-1020, September 30, 1999, Number 14;; Accessed 06/18/07.

Owen M. Wolkowitz, M.D., Victor I. Reus, M.D., Audrey Keebler, B.A., Nicola Nelson, B.A., Mirit Friedland, B.A., Louann Brizendine, M.D. and Eugene Roberts, Ph.D.; “Double-Blind Treatment of Major Depression With Dehydroepiandrosterone”; Am J Psychiatry 156:646-649, April 1999; 

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