How Deep Is the Average Vagina?

You hear a lot about the average penis size, but what about vaginas?

Interestingly the average vagina is less deep than the length of an average penis, which is probably why most women don’t necessarily think that longer is better.

Sex researchers William Masters and Virginia Johnson were the first people to look into the depth of vaginas back in 1966.

They measured the lady parts of 100 women who had never given birth and found that vaginal length ranged from 7-8cm (roughly 3ins) when they weren’t aroused.

But when the ladies felt horny their vaginas got longer – just like a penis does – increasing to 11-12cm (around 4.5ins).

This means that if your manhood is over 4ins then it’s probably more than enough.

A more recent study, which included women who had given birth as well, found that the smallest vaginal depth was 6.9cm (2.7ins) and the largest was 14.8cm (5.8ins).

According to research, the mean length of an erect penis is about 13.2cm (5.2ins) in length and 11.7cm (4.6ins) in circumference.

And at normal temperatures a non-aroused penis usually measures 9.1cm (3.6ins) from tip to base and 9.3cm (3.7ins) in circumference.

Does Vagina Size Affect Sexual Enjoyment?

Since we have known the answer to “How deep is the average vagina?” let’s look at another question that girls are too shy to ask, “Does vagina size affect sexual enjoyment?” The issue of size is not the one that should cause concern. Many other factors can affect a person’s sexual enjoyment greatly, such as sufficient lubrication and relationship between partners. A study published in the International Urogynecolgy Journal in 2010 found that vaginal length and deepness had no correlation to women’s desire, pleasure, arousal and/or sexual satisfaction. It said that the amount of sexual enjoyment felt was most strongly determined by the connection you feel with your sexual partners.

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